Germany finances turkish occupation zone in northern syria

Germany finances Turkish occupation zone in Northern Syria

25 million euros from Germany for idlib

Germany’s support for Erdogan goes to the next round. It is hardly more than a week ago, when Chancellor’s attendant to Ankara of Turkey comprehensive support for escape lines in Northwest Syria.

In doing so, it took ethnic cleans and the change of demographic in northern and eastern Syria by the settlement of Arab-Matter, Sunni Syrians in the fields of self-government of North and East Syria by Turkey.

In Northwest Syria, the catastrophic situation of the escape is complained and dulled in northeast Syria. Whether Erdogan probably Angela Merkel through the mirror that he relieved her at the last visit to Ankara, who rushed Deutsche Innpolitik in the Middle East?

The aerial office announced on Tuesday, "to provide another 25 million euros as a contribution to coating the humanitarian crisis in the region… The funds promised now should serve in particular to the construction of emergency engines for internally displaced persons who flee against the ongoing fighting towards the Turkish-Syrian border". With the funds, national and international partner organizations are to build emergencies – but only in the northwest of Syria.

The same number of escape plants made from Afrin, Ras Al Ain (Sere Kaniye) or Tell Abyad (Gire SPI) from Erdogan troops to the self-administration area in the northeast of Syria and are just as starving and freezing.

Millions of mafiose structures in the AKP braid

"National and international partner organizations" Hort in the text of the ADMENT OFFER first plausible. A closer look at the receptionists of the money rain shows that the money moves into the pockets of the Erdogan clan and the ACP mafia and ultimately serves annexion policy Erdogan in Northern Syria. A spokesman of the Aerial Office named Name last Friday the Turkish Red Crescent (Turk.: Kızılay) as a receptionist.

The should supposedly 25 on Syrian soil.Build 000 log house in the province of Idlib. The Turkish red half moon is comparable as a relief organization with the German Red Cross and should actually be a serious aid organization. However, this organization is entangled in a serious corruption courts.

This reported at the end of January the Turkish opposition newspaper Birgun and published documents. These are intended to prove that the Turkish red half moon confused eight million US dollars in donations by forwarding the money to the Salafist Ensar Foundation.

The donor, the gas network operator Baskentgaz is intended for the donation of 2013 the forwarding to the "Ensar Foundation" have made. The Turkish red half moon received 75 for transaction.000 US dollars for their own cash register. Shortly before the donation, however, the gas network operators were purchased from Torunlar Holding, whose owner is Erdogan School Friend Aziz Torun.

According to Birgun The Turkish red half moon served as a control loophole to redirect the funds to the Ensar Foundation and to settle the donation. The foundation in turn confirmed the receipt of the donation. She announced that the US million for the fight against the Gulen movement. The ENSAR Foundation is very close to the AKP and especially the Erdogan clan.

It is committed primarily in the educational sector and operates educational institutes and residential homes. In 2016, the foundation came into the headlines because of an abuse scandal. The Turkish government tried to cover up. Nevertheless, the foundation still preserves lucrative gainful governance in the millions.

The Kurdish news agency called reported that the ENSAR Foundation’s money to the foundation "Turk", those of the Ensar Foundation and the "Turgev Foundation" was founded, passed. Turgev is a foundation of the Erdogan family: No other than Erdogan’s daughter Esra Albayrak leads the foundation. Daughter ESRA is the wife of the current Minister of Finance Berat Albayrak, which in turn should be involved in the sale of IS-OL to the company Powertrans in the company.

To the accusation of tax evasion, the chairman of the Turkish red half moon according to Anf, that "Tax avoidance not the same as tax evasion" may be. After the donation transfer from the Turkish red half moon became an ACP-near Foundation as well as that the donation volume increased by 32 times between 2016 and 2019, premiere became loud that the aid organization has become one "Tax evasion and tax avoidance lock" For AKP near companies.

What we were back at the starting point of this contribution, according to which the 25 million euros from Germany with some likelihood ultimately in the bag of the Erdogan clan and the ACP marsh land.

Is Idlib the next annexion destination Erdogan?

In the night of Monday, Turkey’s convoys sent with weapons, Leopard 2 tanks from German production and other militar vehicles over the border after Idlib. At the same time, the Syrian militar with Russian support in the Province of Idlib is increasingly opposing. Your goal is to distribute the Islamist militias that have been entrenched in this last Islamistenhochburg.

However, Turkey supports exactly these Islamists to continue to secure influence in the region, despite the danger that the province could become a new stronghold of IS before their home tour. The boundaries between the IS, Al-Qaeda, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) and other Islamist militias are fleeing. Ultimately, these terrorists pay the salar.

When invading Turkey to the Province of Idlib, it came together between Syrian militar and Turkish occupation forces where five Turkish soldiers were killed by artillery (fighting between Turkish and Syrian troops).

Turkish prasident then threatened to the Syrian government with military violence on Syrian territory and mabregelt Russia, they should keep calming in idlibs and do not stand them in the way. That will certainly not do that, Russia’s strategically important militar use point Tartus in the Middle East is not far away from Idlib.

In addition, Russia is the most important Stutze Assads. Without Russia’s support, the Syrian government is unfortunate. Wonders how long Putin still plays his game with Erdogan. The Turkish attack on Syrian militar was not allowed to pay Putin Erdogan to positive.

On Monday morning dear the Turkish prasident quite simultaneously with attacks of Turkish hunting bombers against the Syrian army, in which several Syrian soldiers died, probable:

Those who have questioned our determination will soon realize that they have made a huge mistake.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Erdogan threw Russia not to hold on the agreements of Astana and Sochi, which succeeded in a demilitarized zone. The criticism was returned by post: Turkey has not fulfilled its commitments to tackle HTS jihadists to take care of the Islamist militias from the region. Russia will not allow it to create a new caliphate in the Idlib region.

Turkey seems to play a double game: according to media reports it should be on 16. January and 26. January meeting of Assad opponents have given Turkish representatives, where the Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan was also present. Erdogan had been switched on. He should have failed that the Turkei Assad’s opponents were supported as well as they only. That will not mean anything good.

Syrian army bombed hospital inside in Idlib – Turkish army bombed civilian facilities in Afrin, Sere Kaniye and Gire Spi

The awarding office leads in its press release of the 4. February The bombing of civilian facilities in idlib by the Syrian army as a burial for renewed financial syringes for Erdogan: "On 26.1. Have the regime and its composites in the city of Sarjeh attacked a hospital, on the 29.1. In the city of Ariha."

These attacks against civil avenue must be sentenced as human rights violations and incremental against the Geneva conventions. The Syrian government, however, is the same as little human and minority rights such as Turkey. Both are actors in the same territory – one as a state army, the others as occupiers.

Then, the question of how the bombing of civil institutions in Afrin and the other annexed areas in the Northeast Sysyria region distinguishes from the Turkey’s attacks on the Syrian Army on Civil Voluer in the northwest? Why is measured here with two MAB, although the suffering of the population is the same?

In Marz 2018, Turkey bombarded the Hospital in Afrin City at the Northwestern Canton of Afrin in the Northwestern Canton of Afrin. In October last year, Turkish fighter aircraft bombed in its second marketing invasion (which was classified by the scientific service of the Bundestag as Volker rights law) Civil residential areas in Sere Kaniye.

The Turkish militar joined targeted convoys of fleeing civilians residential areas, bakery and fishing, in which IS camphor are imprisoned. It is reported by executions by the Turkish militar. Human rights violations in the Turkish occupied areas in Northern Syria. Daily there are new messages.

At this point, the question is allowed to the awarded office why that is not criticized in the same way and is proven with sanctions as the opposite of the Syrian government passes? Instead, the war policies of Turkey will still be rewarded with millions of German-German taxpayers. This answer is guilty of us the Federal Government and the Aerial Office.